Wallan Gateway Church
- Connect - Grow - Serve - Share -
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by Vecteezy
We’re so excited about what God is doing in our midst and we’d so love for you to share in that!
There is nothing quite like God’s people meeting together to worship Him, learn more about Him and His eternal, steadfast Word and support each other as we grow in faith and “do life”. We would love to meet you face to face… but for now, have a browse around our website where you can discover a little more about who we are, what we believe in, and what we do…
… then hopefully, we will see you on Sunday!

Our Story
Our Mission
Our Beliefs
Our Team
Luke has been a member of Wallan Gateway Church since 2017. He has joined our team as a full time student pastor in an arrangement with the Australian Defence Force, in which he is being prepared for Army Chaplaincy, and will serve with us until end of 2026 gaining the skills and experience he needs for that role.
As part of his role, Luke heads up our Connect Groups, but you’ll also see him as a part of the welcome team, prayer ministry team and will be sharing the word as part of the preaching team.
He is married to Anita who serves in the kids ministry team, and they have two daughters and a son.
Luke is studying a Bachelor of Theology (due to complete in May 2025), and is also progressing toward becoming an accredited Church of Christ minister.
Ps Tony has been a member of Wallan Gateway Church since near the beginning and joined our team as Associate Pastor in May 2017. He is an ordained Churches of Christ minister with a Master of Divinity. Tony was identified by the elders as a very gifted pastoral leader and was inducted as the lead Pastor of Wallan Gateway Church on December 15, 2024.
Tony is married to Regi (our Safe Churches Co-ordinator and our Prayer Ministry Co-ordinator) and has two sons.
Tony is passionate about Christ and His church, and specifically about seeing people healed in Jesus name.
Tessa Sedawie joined Wallan Gateway Church in early 2014, attending the youth ministry up until graduating.
In 2019, her first year out of high school, she interned with the church whilst completing Youth Alive Academy. In this year she established Little Blossoms and the Kidz Ministry of Dance.
During 2020, she completed the Churches of Christ internship 'Accelerate'.
Tessa has completed a Diploma of Leadership (2019) and a Certificate 4 of Community Services (2021). She is currently progressing towards the completion of a Bachelor of Ministry, and is working towards becoming and accredited minister with the Churches of Christ in Victoria and Tasmania.
Tessa is passionate about creating space for young people to encounter the love of Jesus and to implement what they learn from Christ in their daily lives and relationships.